Headquarters Company
Headquarters Membership
= a link to a remembrance has been posted for one who served, either on the Wall or Memorial page.
= a link to a donation that was made in the name of one who served, either on the Wall or Memorial page.
Headquarters Company
- Adams, James R. – Binh Phuoc – 3/68 – 9/68
703 School Street
Coshocton OH 43812
adamspa@roadrunner.com - Allen, Dennis “Denny” – SP4 – Recon Platoon – 11/67-4/68
- Arnold, Paul “Doc” – Alpha Company Medic
- Alley, Lee – 1st LT – Commanding Officer – Recon Platoon Leader/Assistant Operations Officer – Binh Phuoc – 9/67-8/68
Lawrence D. Brownotter
Thomas J. Dean
William B. McGarvey
Hugh D. Scott
79 Ringneck Rd
Wheatland, WY 82201
Lt. Assigned to B Co., there 1 month, reassigned to Recon Aug 67-Dec67. (FSB Cudgel). Reassigned HHC till ?. Then CO C Company, (Jaeger). Back to HHC, Tet Offensive with Headquarters. Would like to hear from those that were there when I was.
5th Battalion Association President
Web Page: Lee B. Alley Web Page - Anderson, John, H. “Doc” – Alpha Company 1st Platoon Medic
- Antonio, Paz – Binh Phuoc,Tan An, Dong Tam – 2/68 – 9/68 – Recon
3002 O’Kane Street
Laredo TX 78043
- Bailey, John R. – Sp5 – Operations – Rach Kien – 7/69-4/70
David R. Mackey
LTC Leo P. Sikorski
3509 Bragg St.
Huntsville, Alabama 35810
If anyone remembers “HAIR Bailey”, that’s me. Even I had forgotten the name bestowed upon me by Ernie,Saldivar.
- Back, Larry W. – Recon Platoon – 11/66 – 5/67
Jackson, KY
I served under CC Dodge. I was in Recon. My Best friend was Al Jones who was killed on an airplane in Cincinnati, on his way back from Viet Nam. I remember killing a water buffalo thinking it was”charlie”…..It was dark.
- Baker, Thomas W. III – 10/67-8/68 – Tan An South
83 Fort Pleasant Avenue
Springfield MA 01108-1518 - Balas, Louis (Tex) – Recon Platoon – 2/68-8/68
- Bartholomay, Vince J. – 2/70 – 8/70
7256 Heatherwood Drive
Reno, NV 89523
775-287-7740 - Beechinor, Bob – LT – Commanding Officer – Recon Platoon – 11/66-11/67
6507 Mt Whitney
Bakersfield, CA. 93309
LT Beechinor, Recon Platoon, HQ Co, 5/60th. I’m looking for members of my platoon,Keith Guenther (RTO) Washington State area, PSGT James Bonner (From Seaside CA.) Any others who served with me I would appreciate hearing from.
- Betts, Robert – Sgt. E-5 – Mortar Platoon – 10/67-10/68
2nd squad 4 deuce mortars - Bianco, James G.- Charlie Co Medic – 1/68-8/68
2721 N Lyon Street
Santa Ana CA 92705
714-997-1231 - Birchfield, Gary H (Doc) – Bravo Company 1st Platoon Medic
- Birge, Doug (Doc) – Charlie Company 1st and 2nd Platoon Medic
- Bodven, Allen G. – Recon Platoon – Lai Khe, Dong Tam – 2/68 – 2/70
800 Center St.
Union Grove, WI 53182-1026
I started my tour with the 1st Div. 1st/16th Inf HHC Recon
- Bolcar, John A. – HHC Commo Platoon – Rach Kien – 9/68 – 10/69
101 SE Bristol Drive
Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
I was with the Commo Platoon in Rach Kien for most of my time. Started out in the 1/16th before we got flipped with the mech unit. Humped radio for a while before I finally wound up running the message and crypto center. It was an experience I will never forget.
- Boldridge, George – Communication – 12/67-12/68
15910 Bayou River Court
Houston, TX 77079
- Bonney, Robert S. – Recon – Binh Phuoc – 11/66 – 11/67
616 O’Farrell Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
- Bower, Robert – 5/67-7/67
Web Page - Boyd, Thomas R. (Bote) – Binh Phuoc – 12/66 – 12/67
4030 Autumn Way Avenue
Ridgecrest CA 93555
boydtrc@ridgenet.net - Brewer, Jerry A. – Binh Phuoc – 10/66-11/67
9816 Burline St
Sacramento, CA 95827
(916) 364-7125
brewer17@yahoo.com - Broughel, Dennis – Binh Phuoc – 2/67 – 2/68 – HHC Mortars
171 Storm Hill Road
Johnsonville, NY 12094
brougheldp@gmail.com - Brown, Ken W. – Commo Platoon – 12/66-12/67
211 Sinnickson Landing Road
Salem NJ 08079
- Brownell, Jon M. – Binh Phuoc – 10/67 – 10/68
5131 Bayonne Circle
Invine, CA 92604
Served in Binh Phuoc in 4.2″, 107MM mechanized Mortar Unit from October 27, 1967 to October 25, 1968.
- Bryson, Dave – Binh Phuoc – 1967
21624 E. Powers Circle North
Centennial, CO 80015
Transferred to Recon Platoon from the 1st Cav Div. Served, I think, for a couple months before being transferred again. Have some photos of platoon members and Chu Hoi’s. Would like to here from former members and see if we can put names to the faces.
- Calton, Robert J. – Binh Phuoc – 2/68-3/68
11700 Highway 14 North
Lake Way AR 72687
TDY to the Recon Platoon sometime in Feb – Mar 1968, from the 191st AHC.(Assault Helicopter Company).
- Cannon, Earl L. – Headquarters – Recon Platoon Medic – Rach Kein – 8/69-4/70
1015 Louisa Street
Norfolk, Va. 23523
earlc3@hotmail.com - Carr, Vincent P. – Tan An – 05/67-06/67
21812 Woodbridge
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
I was only with the 5/6oth for a short time, rather, for not a long time. I was not working in my MOS. I was shortly sent to D troop 17th Cav. 199th lt. inf. Brgd. then based at Cat Lai. - Chancler, Denny – Mortars – Binh Phuoc – 8/67-8/68
741 Old Stage Road
Central Point, OR 97502
- Chaney, Tommy – Delta Company Medic
- Clay, Allan T. – Commo Platoon – Binh Phouc – 11/67 to 11/68
2210 S. Alkire CT.
Denver, Co. 80228
Does Anyone have a photo of the “Snoopy” Flag we used to fly on the Commo Track??
Sorry I was not aware of the reunion in Denver until later. - Clouse, Larry M. – Charlie Company 3rd Platoon Leader, Assistant S-3, S-5
- Cole, Ed – Binh Phuoc – 10/67 – 2/68
49 Harvard Rd.
Pennsville,N.J. 08070
4.2 Mortar gunner on “Little duce Coup” wounded in “TET 1968”. See you in St. Louis, next year?
Cook, Sylvester L. – Bravo Company Medic - Copeland, Tommy G. – Charlie Company Commanding Officer, S-4, S-5
- Cooper, Bob – Charlie Company Platoon Leader, S-5
- Coutant, John A. – MOS:91B-20 – E4 – Binh Phuoc – 8/67-12/67
PO Box 13703
Portland, Oregon 97213
I was at Coronado V & Fire Support Base Cudgel. I was called “Doc” by my guys & “Cootie” by fellow medics(& “Hippy” by others!). Would like to hear from other line & Aid Station medics. I have a list of some names & service #s on my C.M.B. orders.
- Cremasco, Theodore Sr. – Recon Platoon – Binh Phuoc – 11/66-12/67
All past members of HHC Co
All 5th/60th Guys
In Honor of HHC Co
62 Marshall St.
Torrington, CT 06790
I was in the 106 recoil weapon attached to recon. Driver for the CO. I would like to hear from the original group I trained with from the 106 and recon platoon, some guys I was with and would like to hear from Carter from Miami FL, Payton from MA, Kusinoff (not sure if this is spelled correctly) from Brooklyn NY, and all the rest of the guys I served with in Vietnam.
- Crooker, John M. – Security Platoon – Tan An – 9/68 – 3/69
I was with the 1st infantry 1/16th and we were moved to the 9th 5/60th in 9/68 We were the Battalion comanders security while he was in his forward TOC.
- Cuber, John – 8/66-12/67
- DeCook, Phillip A. – Binh Phuoc – 2/67-6/67
110 Buckeye Lane
Fayetteville, Georgia 30214
Recon Platoon
So long ago so far away. So many friends who wont come back. I’ll not forget and that’s a fact. I cant remember all thier names. Because they say I have no brains. But I remember all the faces. And I remember all the places. And when we meet our mortal fate. And we meet beyond the gate. We’ll all look down from up so high and wonder why, then God said in his softest voice. Because my sons, you had a choice. You fought the fight you could not win. Don’t blame yourself you didn’t sin. Now lay your head upon that softest cloud. Then I’ll look down and I will be proud. Allen DeCook July 10-2001 9:58am
- DeLorenzo, Rich – Fort Riley, Kansas – 05/66-09/67
615 Bloomfield Ave.
Nutley, New Jersey 07110
r_delo615@hotmail.com - DeWitt, James F. – Binh Phuoc – 4/67 – 9/67
3137 W. Co.Rd. 800 N.
Royal Center IN 46978
I would lke to make contact with Platoon members. i was WIA 9/7/67.
i am proud to have served with 5th/60th Inf. A great bunch of guys ! - Divecchio, Keith “Doc” – Alpha Company 3rd Platoon Medic
- Dodge, Norris F. – Ft. Riley, Bear Cat – 07/66 – 08/67
946 Via Bianca Dr.
Davenport, FL, 33896
Have never met anyone I served with from this unit. Would like to hear from anyone who shared this time and is lucky enough to be above ground. Have been recently motivated by the passing of my wife of 37 years and then a dear friend and fellow soldier in arms. They are priceless commodities and can slip away so easily.
- Drummond, Bob – 08/66-09/67
- Diaz, David T. – Recon Platoon – 12/66-4/67
4738 Dahlia
St. Louis, MO. 63116-1226
Joined the 9th at Fort Riley first with the mortar plt. then transfered to HHC in the Recon plt. I still have the yearbook made before the Battalion went to Nam. I have the names of some officers and NCOs.
- Dodd Dennis R. – Rach Kien – 6/69 – 12/69
I served as Delta Co 3rd Platoon leader from 6/69-12/69. Was then HHC LNO from 12/69 – 3/70. Finally Echo Company Commander (Captain) from 3/70 – 5/70.
- Dornhecker, Robert G. (Bob) – Binh Phouc/Tan An – 7/66 to 12/67
Leroy B. Webb
Earl W. Haug
Kirby L Hamby
John Walker
1521Rainbow Ave. N
Rainsville, Alabama 35986
Went over to Vietnam with 100 advanced party members of 5/60th. Was originally with ground surveillance but was promoted and took over Plt. Sgt. of Support Plt. In Tan An we operated out of Fire Base Leroy Webb named after 1st. Lt. Leroy Webb who was KIA in 1967.
- Ducharme, Dave – Tan An – 12/66 to 8/67
I came over from the 11th armored cav half way through my tour would like to hear from any of my cav or infintry buddys
- Easter, Larry – Binh Phuoc – 11/67-11/68
Richard M. Scala
William B. McGarvey
Allen L. Mummert
Lawrence D. Brawnotter
28388 State Hwy 44
Shingletown, CA 96088
I was in Recon Plt. as an E-6/SSG. I was at FSB Cudgel and FSB Jaeger. I knew Lee Alley, Robert Scalla. Would like to keep in touch by E-Mail or phone.
- Eaton, Edgar W. – 7/68-10/69
sniper transfer from 3/60th
- Eichler, Gregory – Tan An South/ Bien Phouc – 12/67 -12/68
125 Higby Rd
Utica, New York 13501-6546
- Escamilla, Juan (Chico) – Rach Kein – 7/69 – 2/70
Jeep Driver for LTC Leo Siskorski and LTC W.Davant
- Esquer, Mario H. – Maintenance – 11/67 – 11/68
5632 E. Mountain View Road
Paradise Valley, AZ. 85253
I kept service records and log books for all the vehicles. I picked up parts for damage vehicles. I also picked up soft drinks and supplies for our store from the PX, for the Do Gooder club.
- Farver, Mike – Medic – 12/68-6/69
24212 TR 1173
Coshocton, OH 43812
- Fielding, John F. – Rach Kien – 5/70 – 8/70
27852 Forester Drive
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
- Fox, Tim – 9/68 – 8/69
- France, Ross T. – Tan An South – 03/67-09/68
190 Hardwick Road
Petersham, MA 01366
Would like to hear from the men I served with … so long ago, seems like yesterday.
- Garcia, Ruben – Binh Phouc – 02/68-08/68
1207 Buena Vista
San Antonio, Texas 78207
I was Recon or Scouts when this person got the silver star for going back for a radio that fell off a track during Jeager. The reason I’m saying this is maybe someone will remember me. My Sgt. was a Hawaiian, was there when the helicopter went down, arrived just after the track was blown to pieces, almost got one of ours. I forgot names. - Garver, Ronald P.
- Gentile, Joseph J. – Rach Kien – 10/68 – 8/69
5 Possum Lane
East Setauket, NY 11733
I was the generator operator with Dan Sprecher. We kept the base camp with power. I would like to hear from anyone from maintenance – Welcome Home – Brothers Forever - Golston, Louis – Bear Cat – 1966 – 1968
PO Box 773
Kelso WA 98626
Fort Riley to Vietnam via ship from Oakland, CA. One of my MOS’s was medic attached to various units. Served with Mezek. Looking for anyone that served with me or remembers me.
My wife Kathryn and I share an e-mail address. - Goodale, Michael D. – Bear Cat – 12/66-4/67
2533 Towne House Dr. N.E.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
I was in S1. I stayed the whole time at Bearcat. Was with a 2nd Lt, he was once a warrant off. and the mail man. I set up the R and R for the guys. The group I was with (S1) all went down to Dong Tam, I was a short timer, that’s why I stayed at Bearcat. The guys I was with were attacked by mortars March 8, 1967. My good friend Manny Cardenas was killed. My replacement, a black kid named Jones from St Louis suffered wounds to his legs and was sent back to the states. They asked me to go to ‘Graves Registration’ in Saigon to identify Manny’s body, which I did.
- Gott, Earl D. – Binh Phuoc – Tan An 3/68-9/68
1001 Hollywood #645
Anchorage AK 99501
cell – 907-529-1500
Rode lead track March thru May with recon. Remember flying the Skull and Cross Bones. Then went to Tan An airstrip as security guard. Spent last month at Lai Kei on tower with the big starlight scope at nights while there. Three names I remember from the track are Pierre Amos from KC, MO my home state. Bill Mack from Texas and Sgt Skaggs from Kentucky I think. I spoke briefly with Amos on the phone several years ago and heard Skaggs was wounded in the head and sent back to the states. Lost track of Mack coming home. Would enjoy hearing from others who were in the area. I don’t remember many names from Binh Phuoc or Tan An. I do remember hitting a mine around the end of March or first of April, the village there was pretty much wiped out by a Cobra and a Napalm bomb from a fighter jet. Two days later we threw a track and overturned in a dry paddy along the road. Was at Binh Phuoc during a mortar attack and was hit in the leg with shrapnel. They took me off the track then and sent me to the airstrip. Learning to live and understand PTSD and willing to help others if you have questions. I have some good resources thru the Vet Center in Anchorage. Welcome home and thank you for your service. Earl Gott - Greer, John P. – Binh Phouc – 1/70-10/70
15 Scarlet Oak Road
Flemington, NJ 08822
JGreer1225@aol.com - Hager, Ben E. – RaKein, Fire Base Moore, Dong Tam – 09/68 – 03/69
1130 N. Commons Rd.
Turlock, California 95380-9414
In country with Big Red 1 as a Medic, 1/16th Infantry March 1968. Switched with Mech unit 5/60th September 1968. With Recon from March of ’68 to October of ’68, then worked with 4 Deuce a couple of months then back out of Headquarters Aid Station in RaKein December ’68 to Deros in March. Pulled Med Caps in surrounding Villages South of Saigon. Would like to hear from anyone that remembers any of this time or area.
- Hauk, Dale – Binh Phouc – 11/67-12/68
10 Springleaf Court
Simpsonville SC 29681
dhauk@aol.com - Havens, Dean – Recon Platoon
HHC, Support Platoon, Tan An, 4/67 – 11/67
HHC, Recon Platoon, Binh Phuoc, 11/67 – 3/68
Earl W. Haug
604 Brooklyn Ave., Apt. F
Oakland, CA 94606
- Hawkins, Greg – 1/68-1/69
- Heil, Lydon F. – HHC
Camp Bethune – Binh Phuoc – 1966 – 1967
508 Powell Street
Taylor, PA 18517
I served with Headquarters from 1966-1967 at Binh Phuoc. I was a teletype operator. I was deployed from Fort Riley, Kansas. Email me if you served with me or remember me. - Henton, Howard M. (Doc) – Medic with Charlie Co – Recon Plt
Binh Phuoc – 9/67 – 6/68
No E-mail…contact via Metz. metz560@frontiernet.net
I transferred into the 5th/60th from the 4rd/39th in Sept(?) of ’67. I was a combat medic with Bandido Charlie and sometimes with Recon. In late ’67 early ’68, then I worked in the aid station at Binh Phuoc till I Derosed in 5/68. I had a stroke a few years ago and while I have recovered nicely, it didn’t have a very good effect on my memory. It is still a bit sketchy. I would love to hear from anyone at all who knew me then. - Hickman, Ronald – Recon Platoon Mechanized – FSB Cudgel – 11/66 – 11/68
20 Pleasant Valley Drive
Woodbury, New Jersey 08096
Trying to remember where we where and where we went during my time spent with the 9th infantry. Any information would be appreciated.
- Holloway, Gwyndell – Recon Platoon – 5/67-4/68
William B. McGarvey
311 Westwood Lane
Stockton, California 95207-7427
Looking for George Pardner, Rochester, NY. Would love to hear from you.
- Huckaby, Marshall C. 1SG (RET) – Bien Phouc – 4/68-7/68
128 Fairway Oaks Drive
Perry, Georgia 31069-4552
(770) 599-3430
HHC Bn commo chief
- Jacobs, Edward Lee. PFC – Bien Phuoc – 5/67 – 8/67
5007 Beacon Road
Palmetto FL 34221
I served under LTC Allen S. Flynn. I was WIA on 08-26-67. The Track I was driving hit a land mine. My left thumb and ankle were separated and then reattached. I do not know the status of the others that were with me.
- Johnson, Donnie J. – Dong Tam – Rach Kien – 8/68 – 12/68
1840 Sawmill Road
Crossville, TN 38555
I was assigned as a medic to Charlie Co. 3rd Platoon 8/68-12/68.
- Ketelsen, Ronald R. – Rach Kein – 2/69-2/70
1925 East Yalecrest Ave.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
- Klisura, Lawrence M. – HHC 2/39 & HHC 5/60 – 2/39-FSBSchroeder — 5/60-Rach Kien – 07/69 – 11/69
To all Vietnam soldiers
lmklisura@hotmail.com - Koeneman, Tim – 1Lt. – Commo Platoon – 11/67-10/68
5th Battalion, 60th Infantry
P.O. Box 1324, 917 Sandy Beach Road
Petersburg, Alaska 99833
Phone: 907-772-3422
Commo Platoon Leader/Battalion Commo Officer
5th Battalion Association Headquarters & Headquarters Representative
5th Battalion Association Echo Company Representative
- Kresconko, Ron – 1968
- Lashbrook, Michael – 10/67-10/68
- Latham, Willard.- Battalion CO 1st/16th – 5th/60th – Rach Kien – 7/68 to 1/69
3705 Astoria Drive
Arlington TX 76013
Served as Battalion CO of both 1st/16th and 5th/60th . Retired Major General - Lazzell, Robert A. – Tan An – 8 Mar 1968- 20 March 1968
Joe Stanley
14979 Rialto Avenue
Brooksville, Fl 34613
Assigned to HHC, 5/60 (M) from Bearcat was reassigned to HHC, 15th Combat Engineers because they had Mechanized Flame throwers on the M-113 APC’s . The 5th/60th. What a proud Combat Battalion. - Lee, Lilliard M.. – Binh Phuoc – 10/67-10/68
575 Maplewood Drive
Troy OH 45373
- Lemonds, Freddie R. – HHC – Binh Phuoc – Tan An – 12/66 -11/67
1206 Lincoln Street
Paris TN 38242
- Lillie, Robert A. Jr. – Binh Phuoc – 1967
651 North Yondota Road
Curtice Ohio 42412
I am very proud to have served in the 9th Div. and also the recon platoon 5th60th. I was wounded 11/18/67 and did not return to RVN. - Limbacher, Dean E. – Binh Phuoc – 1/68-11/68
I was a combat medic with Charlie Company. I was the first guy who spotted the NVA with a starlight scope at Fire Support Base Jaeger 2/25/68.
I was on the first APC outside the wire to get blown up. I was one of the 70 wounded that night.
I was in Saigon on an APC during Tet. I fought at the cemetery and at the race track.
I was also at the Y-bridge 5/7/68. I hope to hear from someone I served with. - Lofton, Elmer (Pete) – Rach Kien – 1968 – 1969
6507 Dryden Dr.
McLean VA 22101
I was also in Alpha Co and Echo Co.
- Lozada, Carlos J.. – HHC Mortars – Binh Phouc – 11/67 – 11/68
H.C.-37 Box 3670
Guanica, PR 00653
I was in 5/60 Mechanized 4.2 107mm Mortar Platoon. If anyone remembers me, please contact me. - Lynch, Raymond A.
- Madsen, Michael L – HHC – Binh Phuoc – 9/67 – 12/67
138 Kathy Ct..
Grand Junction, CO 81501
After 4 months with the 9th, I was transferred to the 52nd Security Det. in Pleiku. At the end of 68, I got sick and was transferred to the hospital in Camp Zama, Japan for a few weeks until I came home to the real world. I sure wish I got to know those I served with better but your memory will always be with me even though I don’t remember names very well.
- Malcolm, Jerry V. – Rach Kien – 7/68- 7/69
- Mansfield, Dale E. – Hq Batt Maint – Binh Phouc – 3/67-3/68
1199 South St.
Mt Morris, Mich 48458
To anyone in Maint especially Ken Sundberg Sgt Knoles or anyone in Bt Maint from 67 68 give me a holler
- Marcum, Nevel R. – CSM – Rach Kien – 6/69 – 6/70
141 Peppertree Pl
Marina, CA 93933
Command Sergeant Major
- Martin, William “Stuart” – 2/67-2/68
7985 Ararat Highway
Claudville VA 24076
- Martin, Larry D. – Binh Phuoc – 12/66 – 8/67
526 Couch Road
Dawsonville GA 30534-6919
Infused to 3rd/5th Cav 8/67 – 11/67
- Martinez, Ernest F. Jr. – Tan An – 10/87-11/68
20 Forest Ave
Danbury, CT 06810
Web site: http://www.dacoach.com
- McCaskell, Dan G. – Binh Phuoc – Firebase Jaeger – 12/67 – 8/68
4410 La Paz Lane
Santa Rosa CA 95404-8854
But for you guys, No one else could possibly know. Someday they will give a war and no one will come. I have missed you guys…McCaskell
- McClay, Richard J. – Tan An South – Firebase Jaeger – 10/67 – 9/68
148 Jackson Street
Youngstown, NY 14174
My name is Dick McClay. I was at Tan An south from 10/67 through 03/68. Was RTO for the S4 at FB Jaeger. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of the 25th of Feb 1968. Was at Binh Phuoc from March till September of 1968. Dero’s with 1/16 first Inf Divison
- McCulla, James – Sgt – Recon – Bien phuoc – 02/68-02/69
298 County Rd 21
Canon City, Colorado 81212-*9717
- Mercer, Michael B. – Bearcat Binh Phuoc – 12/66 – 10/67
213 West 50th Avenue
Kennewick, WA 99337-4612
I was with the 5th Bn 60th when they formed at Fort Riley and traveled with them on the ship to Vung Tau and then trucked to Bear Cat and then to different base camps till they ended up at Binh Phuoc. I got to know a lot of great guys along the way - Meyer, Harold – Recon Platoon
- Michalski, Robert – S-4 – Dong Tam- 6/68-1/69
1313 Anvil Way.
Toms River NJ 08755–1153
Originally with the Big Red One 1/16th Infantry in Lai Khe until 6/68 when our Battalion was transferred & attached to the 5/60th Mechanized in Dong Tam. .
- Mikkelson, Neal W. – Rach Kien- 6/69 – 2/70
83 Woodland Drive
Plano Il 60545
HHC 5-60 Rach Kien, commo, berm, switch telephone operator. One night on plain of reeds, Lt. Colonol Sikorski, Capt.David Mackey, Major Roger Murai, Ranger Lt and others, died in helo collision on 9-17-69. Went back in 1972. Camp had disappeared. Girl px bartender lived in very big house next to base with two sisters.
- Miley, Edward David – Binc Phuoc12/66 – 11/67
Roland Ramos
18599 Osborne Rd
Lakeville, Indiana 46536
- Miller, James D. – Recon Platoon – Binh Phuoc – 10/67-9/68
Allen L. Mummert
Richard M. Scala
Timothy C. Agard
2642 Camino Dr.
St.Louis, Mo. 63125
I served with Recon under LT. Alley. I was a point man. I fought in many battles with recon. LT. Alley and Sgt. Easter were two of the bravest men I was ever with.
- Miller, John W. – Recon Platoon – Binh Phuoc – 4/67-3/68
PO box 165
Hinton, Oklahoma 73047
(405) 542-3048
Served with Lee Alley at Cudgell and I was an E5. I also served under Lt. Benchner whenever I first arrived. I want to thank the medics and I remember one that was a hippie, I can’t remember his name, but I thought a lot of him. Would like to hear from anyone who was there during that period of time.
- Mitchell, John D. – Charlie Co Medic- Dong Tam 10/66 – 4/67
6 Whispering Pines Drive
The Plains OH 45780-1035
I was in Lt. Larry Garners Platoon.
- Moppin, Daniel – HHC – Dong Tam – Rach Kien – 8/68 – 7/69
I was a medic with Delta company.I could not have asked for a better group of guys to work with when times were were good or bad. Thank you for your help. Doc.
- Morgan, Michael W.. – Mortars – Binh Phuoc – 7/68 – 10/68
HHC Mortar Unit
In honor of Denny Chancler, Danny Row and Jon Brownell
37496 Ave 12
Madera, CA 93636
- Moore, Kenny F..
- Mount, Paul B. II – LT – Binh Phuoc, Tan An – 06/67-06/68
Earl W. Haug
PO Box 382
Hakalau, HI 96710
I was a LT in the line company C 3rd/60th. C company 3rd of 60th was exchanged for C company 5th of 60th. I was in Binh Phuoc 6/67-11/67 and in Support Platoon 11/67-6/68. Wounded twice in battle. I am now a retired Colonel. I have many pictures, videos, and recordings from the radio of combat of the 5th 60th. I am currently a chair of southern California for Employer Support of Guard and Reserves.
- Murai, Roger N.- Battalion S 3 – Rach Kien – 09/69 to 09/70
99-570 Kahilinai Place
Aiea, Hawaii 96701
Served as Battalion S 3/X0 while with 5/60th - Myers, James (Jim) L. – Binh Phuoc – Lai Kai – 1/68 – 11/68
PO Box 146
Yelm, WA 98597
Looking for men that served in D Company 5/60 infantry at Binh Phuoc in 1968 and then later were sent to Lai Kai 1st/16th /1st Infantry. - Newby, Terrell C.
- Nichols, Philip, J – S-2 – Rach Kien – 8/69-5/70
SFC Harold Harris
5195 Leslie Rd.
Decker, MI 48426
Before coming to the 5/60th, I was with A-4/39th located at FSB Tombstone April-July 1969.
- Nixon, Larry – Recon Platoon – 2/68-7/68
HHC Recon
5th Battalion Association Recon Platoon Representative
- Norton, Tom H. – Chaplain – Binh Phuoc – 04/67 – 04/68
I was the battalion chaplain for the year that I was in Binh Phuoc. The Chapel in the middle of the base camp was built by the engineers during that year. I remaind in the Army for 30 years before retiring in 1996. Tom Norton
- O’Brien, Thomas – Company Clerk – Bien Phouc – 12/67-12/68
Kirby L. Hamby
1304 Flag Avenue South
St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426-1822
HHC Company clerk that replaced Harvey Shapiro. Would like to get in touch with SGT Blice and Velez
- Olsen, Martin – Binh Phuoc – 3/68 – 4/69
11815 11th Ave. N. W.
Seattle WA 98177
- Osborn, Richard – Tan An South – 3/68 – 9/68
1240 Thomas Ct.
Glendale Hts., Il., 60139
- Owens, Robert L. (Doc). – Rach Kien – Binh Phuoc – Shakey’s Hill – 1/70 – 8/70
698-105 Hill Creek Road
Susanville CA 96130
Served as Bravo Company medic. I have kept in touch with Dennis Evenson over the years, but have lost touch with other members of 3rd Platoon. Would love to hear from Howard Hillard, Lt. Goodrich and so many others. We didn’t come home to ticker tape parades, but we can be proud of our service. No one can take that away. I only hope in the future that the government has a clearer vision as to when to send young men (and now women) into harm’s way. Welcome home and thanks!
- Parks, Kenneth E.- Rach Kien – 10/68 – 3/69
66 Freeman Street.
Warrenville SC 29851-2107
- Payton, Daniel L. – Recon Platoon – Binh Phouc – 12/66-11/67
Robert E. Bethune
Roland Ramos
Tommy L. Smith
All Recon Platoon Members
3208 Kidder Road
Clinton, MD 20735
Served with Recon December 1966 thru September 1967. After having 4 tracks blown out from under me, Lt Beechinor said I was pressing my luck and transferred me out to a desk job for my remaining 7 weeks in country. Thanks!
- Pituley, John P. – Lai Kai, FSB Moore, Rach Kien – 6/68-6/69
102 Hastings Lane
Rochester, NY 14617
Best known as “Berm 46” on the night shift! Yeah, I’m the guy who told you to break squelch twice… Also carried PRC 25 for Choice Tulip 6! Glad to have found this site and send warmest greetings to all my fellow brothers.
- Phelps, Darrell D. – Binh Phuoc – 11/67-7/68
126 Crestwood Court
Kingsland GA 31548
I was in maintence drove the wrecker do you remember thunder road. We were the Do Gooders a lot of good and bad memories. Does any body know a guy by the name of Richard Dick Bergoine around Bolder Col. He was in Headquarters Co. - Price, Robert J. – Rach Kien – Delta Co Medic- 1/69 – 1/70
1430 Highmeadow Drive
Garland TX 75040
HHC Medic attached to 1st Platoon Delta Company. - Quinones, Manny – 3/68 – 3/69
6704 Sweetwater Drive
Derwood, MD 20855-1341
Ammo Sgt.
- Raczkowski, Wayne A. – Charlie Company
- Roberts, James E. – Dong Tam – 6/69 – 7/70
337 Margette Way
Idaho Falls ID 83402
C Co CO, S5, S3 Air
- Rodriguez, James Rach Kien – 4/69 – 12/69
4215 Escondido Lane
Las Cruces, NM 88005
I knew Doc Tiffany and talked with him that day before Recon
went out on patrol (5-28-69). I never got a chance to see him again. Rest Brother. Welcome home. My body came home, my head stayed there, until I got help.
- Rogers, Gary R. – Recon – Binh Phuoc – 1/68 – 1/69
417 Escalante Court
St Augustine FL 32086
- Roosa, David A. Sr. – Tan An South – 3/68 – 9/68
190 Beachfield Dr.
Battle Creek, Michigan 49015
Battalion Ammo under Sgt. Ross France whose place I eventually took. Bob Weller “the ration man”. Mickey Farris our Co. Clerk. Dave Lewis who took my place in the 1st. Inf. Div. Larry Burns, groundsurveilance. Lt. Quitman Kirby our Platoon leader. Greg Hawkins his driver, Joe Cheringal from New Jersey. Arthur Vandenbrook who I put through basic as a DI and he eventually became our Co. Medic. Please, if any of you guys see this please call, write, E-mail. I’d love to hear from you. Welcome Home. The Walrus
- Row, Danny A. – Binh Phuoc – 10/67 – 10/68
7317 Flag Court
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
- Rozboril, Richard L. – Binh Phuoc – 2/68 – 10/68
2990 Marda Drive
Parma, Ohio 44134
Spc5, Moved to 1st Bn 16th Infantry (Mech) 1st Infantry Division 9/14/1968
- Rudat, Jerome E. – LT – Commanding Officer – Recon Platoon – Binh Phuoc – 10/67 – 10/68
Recon Plt. Ldr., HHC 5/60
I was in B Company and Recon before going to HQ 3rd BDG. - Runge, Paul E. – Binh Phouc – 1/67 – 11/67
13411 Blythefield Terrace
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
941-894-4400 - Salkin, Ronald M. – Medic – Binh Phouc – 12/66-11/67
147 West 3rd St
Clifton, New Jersey 07011
Medic HHC assigned to A company - Schlee, George Michael – Platoon Leader Alpha Company, S-1, S-2/S-5
- Schmitt, Pat – Charlie Company Medic
- Schermerhorn, Terry – Battalion Maintence – Binh Phuoc – 3/67 – 2/68
PO Box 567
Union Springs NY 13160
Would like to find fellow soldiers from the Maintence Platoon…Terry Nickerson…Charlie Dawson…
- Seal, Dan – Recon Platoon – Binh Phuoc – 12/66-11/67
RR #1 Box 24
Weldon IA 61882
- Shank, Harold E. – Medical Platoon – Rach Kein – 01/69 -12/69
3398 Hollywood Dr NE
Salem OR 97305
I’d like to hear from some of those I served with and even those I didn’t. I have talked any of them since I left the Nam - Shapiro, Harvey – Company Clerk – 03/67-03/68
Richard M. Scala
Al Jones
Company Clerk HHC
Served with Dan Spencer, John Johnson, BJ Cremasco, Doc Weber, Jerry Brewer, Jerry Drake… I started my tour with Lt Harry Phillips. Have been looking for (Capt Hector Villareal FOUND) and Chaplin Norton. Would love to find those guys!. If anyone can help, please email me.
UPDATE 3/1/02. After tracking down and speaking to Spencer, Johnson, BJ, Brewer and surprising Doc Weber and Chaplain Norton with phone calls, I have to shorten my tracking list. It was amazing to renew friendships. Still looking for CPT Villarreal somewhere in Texas, along with Drake and LT Harry D. Phillips III. Can anyone give me a lead on them?
- Simmons, James – E5 – Recon Platoon – Binh Phuoc – 10/67-10/68
2354 Bellfield Ave
Akron, Ohio 44312
I was Stg.E5. I served under Lt. Lee Alley. I was at Cudgel, Yeager, and many other battles with recon. I was one of five that signed as a witness for Lt. Lee Alley’s DSC award the night of Cudgel. There was two Simmons in Recon, a black Simmon and a white Simmons, I am the white Simmons. Would love to hear from anyone I served with. Sorry I don’t have a computer at this time.
- Simpson, Fred A. – Support Plt Tan An – 2/68 – 9/69
202 Nottingham Pl.
Smithfield, VA 23430-6013
Spc5, Support Platoon Tan An South.
- Slama, Mark E. – Recon Platoon – Binh Phuoc – 10/67
317 N West Street
Janesville MN 56048-9338
My thanks to all who saved my life on 11-8-67 when I was hit. - Smith, Jimmy L. – Charlie Company Medic
- Smith, Howard (Art) – Binh Phuoc – 4/67-4/68
218 South St. Charles Street
Bowling Green, MO 63334
Looking for Chico from Recon who came over from the 11th Armored Cav.
- Smith, James R. – HHC – Binh Phuoc – 7/66 – 8/67
629 Lightstone Drive
San Antonio TX 78258
210 883 5064
Combat Medic in Alpha Company. - Sorensen, Dick – Recon Platoon – 67-68
- Spencer, Dan – Armorer – Binh Phouc – 03/67-03/68
Richard M. Scala
I was sent to the 9th as a replacement in March of 67. I was the Armorer in the supply room. In December of 67 I became Supply Sgt.
- Sperry, Dick H. – SPC 5 – HHC – Mortor Platoon 4.2 – Binh Phouc – 11/66-11/67
9938 Blossom Valley Rd.
El Cajon, CA 92021
619 933 9710 - Stalfort, William K. – Dong Tam, Rach Kien, Binh Phouc – 8/68-9/70
HHC,…attached to Bravo68-69………Alpha in 70
8745 Elon Trail
Jonesboro, GA 30238
770 478-7940
Osborne, Johnson, Zaitz kia……….served a total of 3 tours, but most proud of time in 5/60 - Stanton, Ken – Alpha Company Medic
- Steele, William – Major General (Ret)
All 5/60 MIA and KIA
- Stepp, Jerry W. – Binh Phuoc – 06/67-12/67
In honor of Recon Platoon
7925 Brunerstown Road.
Shelbyville, Ky 40065-9186
I was attached to recon, as a forward observer. I was actually assigned to the 4.2 mortar platoon. In the field, I served with Lt. Alley, we were in the same foxhole at Fire Base Cudgel. I was a Sgt E-5. Prior to coming to the 5/60, I was assigned as a forward observer with A company, 3/47 at Dong Tam from 1/67-6/67. I was a member of the Mobile Riverine Force and lived on the APL. I was in the Rung Sat Special Zone, Plain of Reeds, Rach Kien, etc. I went to Viet Nam on the USS General John Pope
- Striler, Raymond J. – Bien Phuoc, Rach Kein, Cambodia – 3/69 – 10/70
2718 Athens Ave
Carlsbad, CA 92010
S-3 - Sundberg, Kenneth N. – Maint Plt – Binh Phuoc
Michael D. Sheahan
118 East Monroe Circle
Jefferson, OH 44047
This is Great !! I am so proud to have served with you people. We built Binh Phuoc and I don’t think a day in my life has gone by that I didn’t think about my year in Vietnam and my friends that died over there.
- Taylor, Donald – Rach Kien – 2/69 – 2/70
134 Spalding Street
Griffin, GA 30223
I’m so glad I found this site, brings back many memories.
- Teal, Ernest Eugene David – Bearcat – 7/66-1/67
2004 Fairfax Street
Kannapolis, NC 28083
In was int the signal platoon. My mos was wireman. I knew sgt Baker, Larry Pretzer, Marshall, Sisson, Garcia,Hernandez I was not in a battle I left in Jan when my father died and I was reassigned to Ft Bragg. I was a motor messenger while I was at Martin Cox near Long Bien - Tellin, Howard – Binh Phouc – 5/66-9/67
8355 Harkness Road So.
Cottage Grove MN 55016
952-818-7755 - Thiemann, Rodney E. -Four Deuce – Binh Phuoc – 10/67 – 12/67
4808 Cypress Ct.
Pasco WA 99301
Radioman / Forward Observer
- Todd, Robert E. – Charlie Co Medic – Binh Phuoc – 9/67 – 8/68
6565 Katie Lane
Morrow, Georgia 30260
770-961-0711 cell
It’s been a long long time. Thanks Wayne
- Toyama, Benjamin T. – HHC Recon – Binh Phuoc – 11/66 – 11/67
PO Box 2568
Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706
Sorry I missed the reunion. I don’t know if I have the courage to attend but I sure want to try and make the next one. Aloha….Pineapple…
- Tracy, Bill – C Co., – HHC – S-1 – Binh Phuoc – 3/68-9/68
30 West 71st St. 4B
New York, New York 10023
I served in S-1 as a personnel specialist under Sgt Lewis, Capt Scarborough, LTC. E. Antilla, Maj. Rutledge until the entire Battalion was traded or swapped with the 1st Inf. Div. 1/16. I guess it was a legs for mechanized swap. I handled awards and decortions and typed two Medal of Honors as well as anyones awards during that time. One medal of honor was for C Co. Commander Capt Scarborough (sp) but it was knocked down a peg. As well as all OER’s - Wente, Allen – HHC – Binh Phuoc – 12/66 – 6/67
15171 N Monocot Street
Effingham, IL 62401
- Valenta, John – E8 – HHC – Bearcat – Dong Tam – 12/66 – 12/67
118 So. Providence Ave #103
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
- Valls, Jose – HHC – Recon Medic – Binh Phouc – 4/68 – 8/68
1222 E. West Highway # 619
Silver Springs, MD 20910
- Vaught, Dewey E. Jr – Binh Phuoc – 10/67 – 11/68
Larry J. Purcell
Bobby Skaggs
1237 Liberty Church Road
Loris SC 29569
H – 843-756-5466
C – 843-421-4070
Served as Alpha Co Platoon Leader then as XO. Took over Recon 4/68.
Moved north to the 1st/16th and served there as HHC CO. - Velez, Harry (Skipper). – Binh Phuoc – 10/67 – 9/68
36 Boulder Drive.
Mountainville NY 10953
Originally assigned as the CO’s driver and then replaced Harvey Shapiro as company clerk. - Verrone, Angelo E.. – Binh Phuoc – 4/68 – 4/69
9 Paul Place
Little Falls, NJ 07424
5/60th Recon Platoon. About 6 months later 5/60th became part of 1/16th of 1st Infantry Div.
- Villarreal, Hector V. – Binh Phouc – 10/67-9/68
8622 Cheviot Heights
San Antonio,TX 78254
- Villee, Stuart D. – Commo Platoon – Binh Phuoc – 08/67-08/68
Donald R. Bowman
Sp5 HHC Commo platoon I served with 1Lt. Koeneman and Sgt.Huckaby. I was a field radio repairman at both TOC and base camp. I was at FSB cudgel with the TOC, FSB jaeger and in Saigon during the Tet offensive. I served with some great guys! Good days and Long nights!
- Voll, Frank J. Jr. – HHC – Mortars – Binh Phouc – 1/67 – 12/67
58 Skyline Drive
Akron, NY 14001
- Wallis, Ray (Twiggy) – Binh Phuoc – 2/68 – 9/68
149 Lucky 13 Road
Pottsboro TX 75076
Remember a lot of time running down Thunder road, FB Jaeger and convoys being a driver on the tracks most of the time. Made a lot of friends, have made contact with some of the guys in the last year. It has made life better hearing from them. Hope to see them soon as I can.
- Weber, Richard L..
- Weller, Robert A. – Tan An South – 10/67 – 8/68
154 North Burgee Drive
Little Egg Harbor Twp., NJ 08087
Nick name College Bob. Served in Tan An South along Thunder Road. Served with a mixed bag of guys from all the units. Was a 4 duce gunner got put in Tan An. Was there when it was hit by ground attack and several rocket and mortar hits shot gook out of tower by Tan An. Gook was in church steeple. Shattered ear drum from rocket, rpg
- Westphal, Donald – Recon Platoon – Binh Phuoc – 7/67-11/67
William McGarvey
George Pardner
207 E. South Street
Marshalltown IA 50158
- Williams, Ernest G. – Binh Phuoc – 11/67-11/68
434 South Atcher Street
Radcliff, KY 40160-2004
- Williams, John C. – Recon Platoon – 4/67-3/68
112 Wildwood Gardens Road
Fletcher NC 28732-7753
I lost all my pictures from that tour–would like to see me again at that time. - Williams, Tommy J. – Tan An – 5/67 – 5/68
262 S. Grimesland Bridge Road
Grimesland, NC 27837
I worked in the supply hooch with Capt Dunlap and Jerry Quamme. I was in the bunker beside Earl Haug when he was killed. I tried to pull him out of the bunker but he was already dead. Our M-60 jammed and he and I both were going to try and unjam it but he beat me to it. An RPG rocket then hit the bunker and killed him and gave me minor wounds. I was airlifted to the hop and later to Saigon. I often think on how if I had beat him to the M-60 that I would have been the one killed. As a matter fact, if I remember right, Earl, myself and some other guy had gone to see the Martha Ray USO show a day or two earlier.
- Winczura, John A. – Rach Kien – 3/69-3/70
1444 South Creek Rd
Eagle River, AK 99577
- Woodson, Jon D. – Recon – Binh Phuoc – 3/67 – 3/68
7266 Woody Rd
Cloucester, VA 23061
- Yocum, Rudy F. – Bearcat – 1/67 – 12/67