Lost and Found

If you are looking for someone who was in the 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division then send your information to the Secretary and it will be placed on this page.  It will remain on this page unless we are notified by the submitter to update it or remove it.

Hi, I am looking for anyone who knew my brother. His name was Robert Torres, this is his information: Sergeant, C CO, 5TH BN, 60TH INFANTRY, 9 INF DIV Army of the United States. He was in Vietnam from January 5, 1968 to February 5, 1968 when he died. Also, if anyone who knew him has pictures they'd like to share that would be very appreciated. Thank you. Marie K. Torres. [email protected] (7/31/16)

Looking for Jim Carr, Chicago, Illinois.

He was a Charlie Co. medic during late 1969 through 1970.

JJ (Jim Jorgensen – C Co. 4/47th, 4-69-to 6-69 and C Co. 5/60th, 6/69 to 3-70)


Hello. My name is Mike. My Father is Michael Frescas (SP4-Army). He served in Vietnam 1969-70 in the 9th infantry 3/60th (Dong Tam) and 5/60th (Rach Kien). He was a "River Rat". My father is alive and well. He will be 65 in November. When I was younger I remember him having this box filled with pictures from his time serving our country. We have few pics left. I came up with this idea to try and find people who served with him and present him with a present of his past. I would like to get some photos of him and/or his friends who served with him. His memory isn't all that great so I am working pretty much from scratch. He does recall a buddy named Steve who he made several trips off base with to go to Saigon. He said Steve was a surfer from California. Any photos or old stories with which my dad was involved would be appreciated. Thanks to all who served, are serving and those who will serve.

Mike Frescas
[email protected]

I am looking to contact anyone who served with LTC. Leo Sikorski. I am married to his daughter Sandra. I am trying to put a book together for my wife and her brothers and my boys to remember their dad and know their grand-pa. Any information or pictures would be greatly appreciated.

J.C. Khawam
[email protected]

I’m looking for anyone who was with my husband, Armond Stein, when he was killed by a sniper in Cholon on May 13, 1968. He was in Charlie Company. I would also like to talk to anyone who knew him or had any stories about him. I am his wife and I don’t know any of his buddies. If you are out there, please let me hear from you. I know it’s been 39 years but I would like to know.

Thank You.
Sharon Roberts
[email protected]

I received an email today from Carly Stroomer requesting information about her uncle Ronald Stroomer. He served with Bandido Charlie from Sept. 1967 until he was KIA on January 17, 1968. She would like to know if anyone remembers him and could share information with her. She specially requested information on how he died. Also would like to know if anyone has pictures of him and would be willing to share them with her. Her email address is: [email protected]

Doc Birge

  I was under the y-bridge with the 5-60 TET of 68.  There was 3 or 4 of us from the 709th maintenance.  We were under the bridge working on a.p.c's for you'll. Any one out there remember us being there? Lenny Beets, Anderson, Danley, and one more I can't remember his name.

I am looking for several Buddies from the Delta Company, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division.  Please help me find them as I need to reconnect with the "Greatest Guys in the World". 

Richard R. Guevara   1968-1969
Larry D. Anderson 1968-19769
1st Platoon Sgt. David Bull  1968-1969
 and anyone else that remembers me from Company D

Sp4 Bobby D. Langley

Does anyone remember SP/4 Austin (Wee Baby)?  He carried  an M-60 in 3RD Herd A/5/60. He was already in-country when I arrived 10/67. When did he leave Nam? Where did he go? Where is he? My wife and I attended the showing of "PLATOON" years ago. When the character "King", the black soldier with the gold tooth (Austin didn't have one) showed up on-screen, I jumped up and yelled, real loud, "AUSTIN!"….oops! Forgot where I was. Got lost in time. 10/28/67…On an incubus run to Saigon…ambush…10 seconds later, Doc Divecchio, Austin, and I were the three remaining, unscathed , members of 3rd Herd. 12/19/67…"Mech Infantry Navy"…I was up to my eyeballs in water, stuck in the mud, and sinking! A big black arm came out of the nippalm and pulled me out of the mud. 
Saved my life! …Thanks, Austin! I need to find him

Dewey H. Noble III
7015 Grand Valley Dr. 
Colorado Springs, Co.
[email protected]

I have recently come across the 5th/60th website, and I am trying to find out any information I can about my uncle, Cpt Edmund B. Scarborough. He was killed in action May of ?68. I was born that following July and given his name. Currently I have been serving proudly for 12 years and just returned from Iraq where I was for a year with the 82nd Abn Div. I am very interested in finding out every minute bit of information from anyone who knew my uncle and served with him in Vietnam. Currently I am at Ft. Jackson, SC serving as a Drill Sergeant. I can be reached at [email protected]

Thank you ahead of time for any assistance you can provide.


I am looking for anyone who served with my husband, Frank Pawloski E5, when he was serving in the field in Sept.1969 through Feb. 1970 in Rach Kein. He was then sent to Go Devil Academy and trained troops in Tan An until July 1970. His address was Co-B 5th Bn. 60th Infantry when he was in the field. He was in the 2nd platoon (Bravo) and they served around Rach Kein from Sept. 1969 to Dec. 1969, then in the Plain of Reeds from Dec 1969 through Feb. 1970 but still out of Rach Kein. My husband had a very serious stroke in 1989 and I am trying to re-apply for VA benefits, because he told my mother that they sprayed Agent Orange right on him when he was in Vietnam. I assume that this was out in the field. They also ate out of half barrels with chain link fence over them during stand downs. I need to know if they had an Orange line on them. That would mean they contained Agent Orange at one time. Any information that I can get on this subject would help me. My husband is now non-verbal and cannot talk about Vietnam and never did before he had his stroke. He also has problems remembering many things about Vietnam. He does recognize the pictures, but not the names that go with the pictures.

Kayleen Pawloski
[email protected]
5471 Kelekent SE
Kentwood, MI 49548
Phone: 616-530-0709

I'm trying to find "RAGGMAN". He was a SGT in A/5/60 in '67-68'. Doc Divecchio has his last address listed as Greenwood, MS. I remember talking to him in Nam and that's where he called home. He was familiar with my Grandparent's restraunt (Pines Cafe) in Hamburg, Ar.  I've been calling the last known phone number, off and on, for three months. Always busy signal.  Finally wrote a letter.  Hoping it finds him.  Remember RAGGMAN? Anyone know where he is?
Sgt Dewey H. Noble III

Looking for anyone who remembers an individual that went by the name of Bennie Smith.  It is believed he possibly served with Bravo Company and/or Headquarters Company as Recon Platoon Leader with the 5/60.  Anyone who knew this individual or anyone that may have this individual listed on any of their orders are requested to get in touch with the Secretary or Harvey Shapiro.

I am searching for more info on my uncle who was KIA in Bien Hoa. His tour dates were 12-01-1966 to 9-7-1967. He died of Multiple Fragmentation Wounds. Supposedly he had stepped on a land mine. His full name was Charles Gary Hamilton and he served with C co. 5 Bn. 60th Inf.  If anyone knew of him, was there when it happened, or has a picture of him or the entire company, that would be great!!!

Thank you very much,
Crystal Smith


I was hurt while performing the duties of 3rd Bde Officer of the Day, the night/morning of February 9-10, 1968, Tan An, Bde HQS.  I need to contact any and all medics that were working in the 3rd Bde Aid Station. 

LT. Terry (Newbs) Newby

I am looking for anyone who may have been in any of the following companies with David Donnelly, DeKalb, IL.:  Headquarters Co. 5/60th Inf. (5-5-67 thru 5-27-67 – Bear Cat); HHC 3rd Brigade (5-28-67 – 8-9-67) and Co. B 2nd/60th 8-9-67 thru 8-12-67. David was wounded on August 12, 1967 on a S&D mission that originated out of An Nhut Tan.  He died from his injuries on 1-1-68.  Two of the men that were with him on this mission were Sp.4 Gary Johnston and Sgt. Ted Maltezo.  Even after all these years I have so many unanswered questions I would like to hear from some of the men that he knew as he always spoke so highly of them and I often wonder how they are doing.  I know it has been a long time but he lives on in my heart forever.  He was in-country such a short time and was moved around quite a bit.  God Bless all of you who were there.  Thank you.  Dianne (Donnelly) Gautcher.  e-mail me at  [email protected]

I am looking for James Brothers who was in A Co and then Recon with my brother, Doc Tiffany.
I found Jim Skinner!  He named his daughter Tiffany after Doc – what a wonderful story!
Thanks to all who have shared with me. [email protected]

I`m trying to find Earl Whitley and George H. Lee. We were in 5th 60th and 1st 16th Charlie Company, third platoon in 1968. I can not find them and they are not listed on the roster. If anyone knows there where abouts I would be very thankful. Thanks Jim Harrier

Looking for anyone who knew Cpl.Charles A.Stovall (Co.C 5th Bn.60th Inf.).  He was KIA on Feb 14 1968..in Kien Hhoa.
Would like too know how he was killed or any info anyone could send me.  He is my cousin.
Bobby D. Epperson…(gadsden alabama) 

Anybody in our squad. We had the wooden finger on our track. We were there 67-68, Binh Phuc
Mike Dyer

Roke  Borja Santos is looking for the following from 2/60:
Richard O. Knevals, Jose M. Lopez, Roy L. Hammil, James E. Przytarski, George K. King, William A. Baker, Steven Murphy, Clarence Odem,Paul K. LLamas, Thomas Wilkins, Elbert Winfield, Brian D. Squier.

I am attempting to locate anyone who was stationed with B/5/60 (Mech) when we were transfered over to the lst Division and became B/1/16 (mech) and moved from the Delta.

Billy J. Smith, 1LT Infantry, I believe was a platoon leader in the 5/60 Inf.  I do not recall what company.  We were in OCS at Benning and lived next to each other in Junction City, KS.  I was with B 4/39th, 9th Div.  I believe he was wounded in combat but remained in country/returned to his unit.  I'm sad to say he was KIA at the end of his 2nd tour as an advisor.  I believe it was near the same area he had served in his first tour.  Michael J. McCarson  Chapin, SC

I am hoping you can help me…. My husband was stationed in Can-Tho Vietnam and is trying to locate members of "The Can-Tho Rat Finks" He has kept in contact with one of the guys he was stationed with and they just recently found another one and got together this past weekend in Pittsburgh, Pa. But they would love to find other members that they were with. I have several names, but am at a loss as to where to look these men up. Can you help me? Any and all help would be appreciated. Thank You……… Anna Krol

I am Robert J Bogan alias (Boggs).  I was with the 5/60 B Co, and I'm looking for Bill McGee.  We were together from 67/68 in Bihn Phouc.  If anyone has any info on his where bouts, I would greatly appreciate any info on him.

Looking for David Creamer and D. Welch from "C" Company 1968. I can be
reached at [email protected].  John Hohman

Looking for CPT Donald E. Dick who was once the Commanding Officer for Bandido Charlie Company around 1968.  Please email William Doherty at
[email protected]

Looking for Sgt. Thomas A. Chapman that served as a Pointman with A Co 1/16th (1st Infantry Division) and A Co 5/60th 1968-1969.  His home state is believed to be Illinois and he is believed to be from the Chicago area.
From Dennis Gaffney and Bill Spears 6/13/02.
Contact Bill Spears at 

[email protected]

My uncle was Edward Monroe Simpson.  He was in the 60 infantry, 9th Infantry Division, Company B.  He was a dog handler in the 45th IPSD.  He was from Collinsville, IL. He was SGT at the time he was KIA on May 11, 1968 in Long An, South Veitnam.  I was wondering if anyone knew him.  If you do please e-mail me at [email protected].  I just feel I need to know my uncle.  I was not born until 1974. I am trying to get info from anyone who knew him.
Thank you
Julie Green 

I am looking for someone who knew the following person. This is all the info I have.
SGT. Ronald Vernon Wearmouth
Y Co.
1st Inf. Div
Hometown: Newton, Iowa
Start of tour Sept. 4, 1967
Died June 14, 1968 in South Vietnam, Province: Bien Hoa.

If anyone knew Ronnie please contact me at [email protected].
Thanks very much, 
Lori Nichols

Looking for somebody that remembers a Jose Morales,served with B Co.68-69.

From Lee Alley

Following is a list that I have compiled with notes from the Battle at Cudgell, or diary entries around that time.  I believe were the recon members at Cudgell.  I would like to hear from any of them or anyone who knows first names, SS# or any way to find them.


1 deceased that I located
George Pardner

Holloway (Gwendell) – found
Simmons – found
White – found
Guttilla – found
Hickman – found
Miller – found
Stepp – found
Westphall – found
Dean – found
Teague – found
Lillie, or Willie (both spellings in my records?)

Also, Sgt. Foster, recon, medivaced out of Binh Phuoc after attack on base camp, Oct. 31, 1967
Also, "Double L" either a Williams, or Willson, who was point man, but stayed back at base camp during Cudgell.

I would like to get into contact with some members:
Louis (Tex) Balas – found
Dean Havenn – found
John Williams – found

This list is slow in coming, but I finally got it put together, some of the names may not be spelled accurately.  I can't spell now, and couldn't then either!
Lee Alley
[email protected]